Hi! My name is David! Thanks for coming to look at my website. As it stands, I'm an unemployed wretch in the American Midwest distracting myself from my rotting youth by making a webpage.
I like to cook, read, write, and generally waste time. I spend a lot of time talking to my friends. If I had a little less pride I'd call myself an extrovert, but I think 'gregarious' works just fine. Don't you?
If you want to reach out, I'll put my Discord tag on the bottom of the page. And please check out my itch.io linked on the front page if you get the chance! I don't know if anyone'll ever actually LOOK at this site, but that's the way it goes. I hope you're having a nice day.
Discord: AdobeFlash
Some things that I like talking about, writing about, or thinking about are:
And a lot of other stuff! I read way too much to put it all on this page.